Navigate and View Data

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EQuIS 6.6 Training Exercises  >>  EQuIS Professional >

Navigate and View Data


Exercise Scenario

Our quarterly data has been loaded into EQuIS. We want to verify that the data is in the EQuIS database.


Opera Glasses

Learn how to open and navigate in EQuIS Professional.




Exercise Objectives

Launch EQuIS Professional

View Available Facilities and Login to an EQuIS Facility

Navigate Tables in EQuIS Professional


Optional Exercise

Add Reference Values to EQuIS



Skills, Software and Permissions Required

EQuIS Professional v6.6 or higher must be installed on the workstation

.NET Framework 4.0 or higher must be installed on the workstation

Read/write permissions are required for the desired facilities




Objective: Launch EQuIS Professional


Open the EQuIS Login Screen

Create an EQuIS Database Connection


Open the EQuIS Login Screen

1.Open the Windows Start menu and choose All Programs or Apps> EarthSoft> EQuIS Professional.


2.See the Create an EQuIS Database Connection section below if a connection to the EQuIS Training Database has not already been established.


Create an EQuIS Database Connection

Skip this section if a connection to the EQuIS Training Database (or other desired EQuIS database) is already established.


1.Click Database Connection pro-login-connection on the Quick Access Toolbar of the EQuIS Login window. (If there are no previously saved EQuIS database connections, the Database Connection window will appear automatically.)


2.On the General tab of the Connection window, enter the Server Name. This is the name or IP address of the server where the EQuIS database resides. If the name is unknown, contact the database administrator or the EarthSoft training department.

3.Select the Server Type.

4.Enter the User Authentication information.

5.Check Save Password to ensure the password will not need to be re-entered.

6.Click the Test button to ensure the connection settings is correct.

7.If everything is correct, click the OK button to the connection succeeded message.

8.Select the Connect button to return to the EQuIS Login screen.




Objective: View Available Databases and Facilities

1.Expand the My Connections node in the EQuIS Login window to expand the list of available connections.

2.Navigate to the EQuIS database and then find the desired facility, expanding folders (Facility Groups) if needed. View the available License Libraries on the right-hand side of the Login window.

For this exercise, expand the Training Database and then the North America folder.


3.Single-click the Facility name from the facility list that appears and double-click on the desired License Library to login to the facility.

For this exercise, select the Gold King Mine facility and the Ultimate license.


Since the Gold King Mine facility will be used for many of the training exercises, flagging it as a favorite will allow easy access for future exercises. To set a facility as a favorite, right click on the facility while highlighted and then select Add to Favorite Facilities.


4.The main EQuIS Professional window opens showing the Home ribbon. Note the status bar at the bottom of the EQuIS Application window includes the user name, facility, selected license library and connection type.





Objective: Navigate Tables in EQuIS Professional

View "raw data" as it appears in the populated tables in EQuIS Professional. Several tools are available that assist in viewing raw data.



Open EQuIS Tables

Filter Columns

Pin Columns

Choose Columns

Find and Replace Values

Add Related Tables


Open EQuIS Tables

1.Select Data Tables pro-data-tables-button from the Home ribbon.

2.Double-click on the DT_SAMPLE table.

3.Review the tools used to view data in the Data and Reference Tables in EQuIS Professional, including:

Filter pro-filter-button

Pin Column pro-pin-button

Column Chooser pro-column-chooser

Find/Replace pro-find-tool

Related Tables


Filter Columns

Filter any column by any value within that column with the Filter pro-filter-button option. By default, a filter search box appears below each column header in the grid view. If the field is numeric, then the filter operator appears as "=". If the field is text, then the filter operator appears as "A".


1.Select the desired parameter for filtering and then select the drop-down arrow in the column to enter the desired filter value.  

For this exercise, we need to verify that our most recent sample data has been successfully loaded into the Gold King Mine facility. Therefore, select the SAMPLE_DATE column. Do not enter a specific filter value as we will apply a logic statement filter in the next step.

2.To filter by logic statements, select the “A” or the "=" to the left of the drop-down option to select a desired logic statement for filtering. An example logic statement is “Contains”, which filters for a result based on a value within the string.

For this exercise, select the "=" and change the filter operator in the column to Greater Than. Type "10/14/2015" in the filter row. Note that only some of the records are now visible; only records higher than the entered date.

3.To remove the filter, click on the Remove Filter pro-remove-filter-button icon. This icon is located beside the drop-down arrow for the filter. All data will appear in the grid view.



To remove all filters, click on the Remove Filter pro-remove-filter-button icon on the far left of the filter row.


Pin Columns

Hold any pinned column to the left-hand side of the table's grid view with the Pin Column pro-pin-button, making viewing data easier.


1.Click the Pin Column pro-pin-button icon on the DT_SAMPLE toolbar. Once activated, each column header includes a horizontal pushpin.


2.Click the pushpin next to the desired column title to pin that column.  For example, pin FACILITY_ID, SAMPLE_ID and SYS_SAMPLE_CODE.

3.Notice the pin changes position from horizontal to vertical. Scroll to the right and view the pinned columns now anchored on the left side of the data table.


4.To unpin columns, select the vertical pushpin displayed in the column title next to the column header. Notice how the column locations adjust to keep the pinned column(s) to the left. To unpin all columns, click the Pin Column pro-pin-button icon again.


Choose Columns

Determine which columns to make visible and which to hide with the the Column Chooser pro-column-chooser icon.


1.Click the Column Chooser pro-column-chooser icon on the DT_SAMPLE toolbar.

2.Select Hide Blanks. This will hide all columns that do not contain data within the table.


Find and Replace Values

Search for one or all instances of a text string with the Find pro-find-tool icon. Similar to word processing applications, the option to replace values is also available.


Warning Small

When selecting the Replace All function, it replaces all instances of a string. For example when changing N to T in the fraction column by selecting Replace All, the tool locates and replaces every instance of N in the data table, even if it occurs outside the fraction column. Use this tool with caution.


1.Click the Find pro-find-tool icon on the DT_SAMPLE toolbar. A new window displays with text input boxes as well as other options.


2.Select the desired parameters and then select Find All.

For this exercise, enter "ADW-010" in the Find what: box.

3.Note that only results with a cell containing the specified parameters are highlighted.

4.Select the Close button to return to the Grid View.


Add Related Tables

Open parent and/or child tables as sub-records of the current table with the Related Tables tool.


1.In the DT_SAMPLE table, right click anywhere in the header of the grid, and select Related Tables from the pop-up menu.

2.Highlight this menu and navigate to Child Tables> desired child table.

For this exercise, select DT_TEST.


3.Note at the bottom of the EQuIS Professional window, the child table is displayed, along with the parent table.


4.Click the "+" node to the left of a row to expand the related table.




It is possible to add multiple tables. There is no limit to the number of parent/child tables that can be displayed in one tabular view.


5.From the Workspace in the left-hand pane of the Professional window, right-click on DT_SAMPLE.

6.Select Remove Item.

7.When prompted, select the Yes button to remove the open tables from the Workspace.


Administrative tools

Optional Exercise: Add Reference Values to EQuIS

The reference values used to load data into EQuIS Professional EDP come directly from the EQuIS database. Recall that each EQuIS database has only one set of reference values for all of the facilities in that database. Add new reference values to the EQuIS database by using the right-click menu within EQuIS Professional EDP or by adding them into the appropriate table in the database.


Warning Small

This exercise is recommended for EQuIS Power Users and should only be used with permission from the Database Administrator to add reference values to the EQuIS database.


1.Select Reference Tables pro-reference-tables-button from the Open group on the Home ribbon in EQuIS Professional.

2.Highlight the appropriate table and select the Open button.

3.If the value is present, but has a STATUS_FLAG set to R, change the STATUS_FLAG to A.

4.If the value is not present, select Add... from the bottom of the table and populate the new record as desired.

5.Click Save pro-save-button in the Reference Table toolbar.