Reference: DQM Checks

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Reference: DQM Checks

There are a variety “out-of-the-box” checks available for use in DQM, and each of the checks may be modified to the user’s desired specifications. A brief description for each check is provided as well as links to the online documentation for more detailed information.


Blank Contamination

Purpose – DQM assesses if any target analytes are detected in an associated blank and qualifies results of associated samples if blank samples are contaminated.

DQM offers four options pertaining to the contamination of blank samples. The first option is the general Blank Contamination check, which covers all types of blank samples (Field, Lab and Trip) in one check. There are also separate blank checks for each of the different sample types. These qualifying checks have the same parameters and operate in the same manner as the general Blank Contamination check. The difference is the separation by types of blank sample to allow for assigning type-specific qualifiers.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.BlankContamination, EarthSoft.DQM.FieldBlankContamination, EarthSoft.DQM.LabBlankContamination, and EarthSoft.DQM.TripBlankContamination.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Blank Contamination.


Estimated Results

Purpose – DQM checks for sample results that fall between the method detection limit (MDL) and the reporting limit (RL).

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.Estimated Results

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Estimated Results.


Holding Times

Purpose – DQM assesses if the sample preparation and/or analysis holding time for a given analyte, method, matrix, and preservation status fall outside quality control limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.HOLDINGTIMES

At least one of the following Holding Time Types must be selected for this check to run:

Collection to Prep

Prep to Analysis

Collect to Analysis (Unpreserved)

Collect to Analysis (Preserved)

TCLP Collect to Leachate

TCLP Leachate to Prep


For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Holding Times.

Numeric Results

Purpose – DQM checks to verify sample results do not exceed parameter limits (high or low). As many parameters can be added as are needed.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.NumericResults

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Numeric Results.


Percent Solids

Purpose – DQM checks to determine if the percent solids value is within user-specified control and warning limits, where percent solids = 100 – DT_TEST.PERCENT_MOISTURE.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.PercentSolids

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Percent Solids.


Relative Percent Difference

Purpose – DQM checks for Relative Percent Difference (RPD) values for duplicate sample results that fall outside QC limits. This check is run on the RPD between recoveries for matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate samples, laboratory control sample/laboratory control sample duplicate pairs, and laboratory duplicate pairs.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RelativePercentDifference

Note that DT_RESULT_QC must be populated for this check to function.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Relative Percent Difference.


Relative Percent Difference – Field

Purpose – DQM checks for relative percent difference values for field duplicate sample results that fall outside QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RelativePercentDiffField

It is important that RT_MATRIX.MEDIUM_CODE be populated for this check. Note that DT_RESULT_QC is not used for this check.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Field Relative Percent Difference.


Relative Percent Difference – Absolute Difference – Field

Purpose – DQM checks for relative percent difference and absolute difference (run independently) values for field duplicate sample results that fall outside QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RPD_Abs_Diff_Field

It is important that RT_MATRIX.MEDIUM_CODE be populated for this check to work properly. Note that DT_RESULT_QC is NOT used for this check.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see RPD - Absolute Difference.


Relative Percent Difference – Lab versus Field

Purpose –  DQM assesses the precision between an analytical result obtained from a field measurement and an analytical result obtained from a laboratory analysis. DQM checks for RPD values for field and lab results that fall outside QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RPD_Lab_Field

It is important that RT_MATRIX.MEDIUM_CODE be populated for this check to work properly. Note that DT_RESULT_QC is not used for this check.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Relative Percent Difference Lab versus Field.


Repeated Results (Single Method)

Purpose – DQM checks for any instances where more than one result was reported for a given sample, method, analyte, and fraction and allows the user to select which result is reportable. This data can exist if the lab submits the initial result package and a retest or reanalysis result package for the same set of samples.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RepeatedResults

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Repeated Results.


Repeated Results (Multiple Methods)

Purpose – DQM checks for any instances of more than one result reported for a given sample, analyte, and fraction, and allows the user to select which result is reportable. This data can exist if two or more methods containing the same analytes are run on the same set of samples.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RepeatedResultsTwoMethods

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Repeated Results.


Sample Units

Purpose – DQM verifies that sample results are reported with appropriate unit types and are valid values in the database for the UNIT_TYPE parameter.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.VerifySampleUnits

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Sample Units.


Spike Recovery

Purpose – DQM assesses if any of the spike compound recoveries are outside specified QC limits in field-collected and laboratory-generated spike samples. This check is performed on matrix spikes, matrix spike duplicates, blank spike, and blank spike duplicates.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.SpikeRecovery2

Note that DT_RESULT_QC must be populated for this check to function.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Spike Recovery.


Surrogate Recovery

Purpose – DQM assesses if any of the surrogate compound recoveries are outside specified QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.SurrogateRecovery

Note that DT_RESULT_QC must be populated for this check to function.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Surrogate Recovery.


Radio Chemistry Estimated Results

Purpose – DQM checks for radio chemistry sample results between the minimum detectable concentration and the decision level concentration.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RadChemEstimatedResults

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Radio Chemistry Estimated Results.


Radio Chemistry Relative Error Ratio

Purpose – DQM checks for relative error ratio values for field duplicate sample radio chemistry results that fall outside QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RadChemRelativeErrorRatio

It is important that RT_MATRIX.MEDIUM_CODE be populated for this check to work properly. Note that DT_RESULT_QC is not used for this check.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Radio Chemistry Relative Error Ratio.


Radio Chemistry Tracer Recovery

Purpose –  DQM qualifies results if tracer sample recoveries fall outside QC limits.

Check Name – EarthSoft.DQM.RadChemTracerRecovery

Note that DT_RESULT_QC must be populated for this check to function.

For detailed information regarding parameters and rules, see Radio Chemistry Tracer Recovery.