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Copyright © 2018 • Modified: 22 Jun 2018 |
When using the EQuIS Data Qualification Module (DQM) for a project that has an associated Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) or Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP), the qualification rules for the project in DQM will need to be customized by setting up a corresponding DQM QAPP. For the creation of a DQM QAPP, review the project documentation to determine the project requirements for each of the DQM checks.
For demonstration purposes, example quality assurance / quality control excerpts from mock project QAPPs are provided. Example data are supplied for most quality checks that exist in DQM in conjunction with the inputs/options needed for customization of the checks for a specific project. When creating an actual DQM QAPP, determine which DQM checks apply to the project and need to be run in DQM.
The quality assurance / quality control information provided in this document is for demonstration purposes regarding how to create a DQM QAPP and should not be used for guidance in establishing project QAPPs. The DQM example QAPP has been divided into three separate QAPP sections based on the types of checks or data related to the checks.
If any of the available checks are not applicable to a project, they can be excluded—except for the Global Parameters check, which is necessary to define important DQM configurations. Some checks appear in two of the example QAPP sections and are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Every DQM QAPP must have a Global Parameters "Check". The Global Parameters check holds the parameters used by all other checks within a given DQM QAPP and can be easily modified in the Parameters tab of the DQM Settings - Checks form. The Global Parameters check is not listed in the Check menu on the DQM Create Event form because it does not run an actual check.
Key Information Needed: Project knowledge regarding how status, event naming, and reporting should be defined in EQuIS once DQM has been run.
Selection/Input Options:
1.DEFAULT_DQM_STATUS: Input the default value for DQM in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM to populate in DT_SAMPLE.DQM_STATUS once DQM has been run on a set of data. The default value is “default”.
2.DEFAULT_EVENT_NAME: Input the event name in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM to use after DQM is run. This defaults to DateTime. Suggestions for naming include the COC, SDG, or Test Batch ID that was selected for creating the DQM event.
3.NONDETECT_DETECTION_LIMIT: Input the default for what detection limit column is used when setting non-detect results = detection limit in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM (e.g., MDL, RDL, quantitation limit).
4.NONDETECT_RESULT_QUALIFIERS: Input the qualifier that DQM will utilize to update the DT_RESULT.DETECT_FLAG to “N” in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “U”.
5.REJECT_RESULT_QUALIFIERS: Input the list of qualifiers for DQM to set REPORTABLE_RESULT = “N” in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “R, X”.
6.REPORTABLE_RESULT: Set the default value to be input into DT_RESULT.REPORTABLE_RESULT in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “Yes, Y”.
7.REPORTABLE_RESULT_YES: In RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, input the single value used by Complete Event function when there are no Apply Qualifiers from the REJECT_RESULT_QUALIFIERS list. The default value is “Yes”.
8.REPORTABLE_RESULT_NO: In RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, input the single value used by Complete Event function when the Apply Qualifier includes one of the qualifiers listed in the REJECT_RESULT_QUALIFIERS list. The default value is “No”.
9.RESULT_TYPE_CODE: In RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, input the default value to be used during the DQM Create Event query. The default value is “TRG”.
10.TEST_BATCH_TYPE: In RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, input the default value to be used during the DQM Create Event query for which results are to be included. The default value is “Analysis”.
The checks in the Lab Data Audit QAPP are designed to identify anomalous data, although it might not be appropriate to qualify data identified by these checks.
CHECK: Repeated Results*
Purpose: DQM checks for any instances where more than one result was reported for a given sample, method, analyte, and fraction and allows the user to select which result is reportable.
Key Information Needed: An understanding of the logic required to select the “best of” the results to report.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for repeated results.
2.Input the qualifier to be utilized for qualifying data when there are two or more results for the same CAS_RN, SAMPLE_ID, ANALYTIC_METHOD, and FRACTION in RT_DQM_RULE. Once DQM is run, set one of the results as not reportable (if desired).
CHECK: Repeated Results from Two Methods*
Purpose: DQM checks for any instances of more than one result reported for a given sample, analyte, and fraction, and allows the user to select which result is reportable.
Key Information Needed: An understanding of the logic required to select the “best of” the results to report.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for repeated results.
2.Input the qualifier to be utilized for qualifying data when there are two or more results for the same CAS_RN, SAMPLE_ID, and FRACTION in RT_DQM_RULE. Once DQM is run, set one of the results as not reportable (if desired).
CHECK: Percent Solids
Purpose: DQM checks to determine if the percent solids value is within user-specified control and warning limits.
Key Information Needed: Project knowledge regarding warning limits and control limits for the reported percent solids values for the samples.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for percent solids.
2.Input the warning control limit (20) and control limit (10) for percent solids in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The defaults are listed in parentheses.
3.Input the SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “N”.
4.Input the MEDIUM_CODE in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “SOIL”.
5.Input the qualifiers to be used for detects and non-detects relating to the warning control limit and the control limit in RT_DQM_RULE.
CHECK: Sample Units
Purpose: DQM checks to determine if the units for the sample results reported by the laboratory are reported and are valid values in the database for the UNIT_TYPE parameter.
Key Information Needed: Knowledge of the reference values in the database.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for sample units.
2.Input the checkDefaultUnits in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “N”.
3.Input the UNIT_TYPE in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “cpw, cpv”.
4.Input the qualifiers to be used for invalid sample units, missing sample units, and non-default result units in RT_DQM_RULE.
CHECK: Numeric Magnitude
Purpose: DQM checks to determine if a value is exceeded (high or low).
Key Information Needed: Project knowledge for what parameter(s) require this check and their respective exceedance values.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for numeric magnitude.
2.Input the PARAM_CODE and associated PARAM_VALUE and REMARK for each parameter to be checked in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “N”.
3.Input the qualifier to be used for exceeded numeric results in RT_DQM_RULE.
CHECK: Holding Times
Purpose: DQM assesses if the sample preparation and/or analysis holding time was met for a given analyte, method, matrix, and preservation status.
Key Information Needed: Analytical method, target analyte list, matrix, holding time, and preservation requirements.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires evaluation of holding times.
2.Input the applicable holding times and holding time units (e.g., hours, or days) for the analyte, matrix, preservation, and method in RT_HOLDING_TIME. Required fields include the ANALYTIC_METHOD, MEDIUM_CODE, and HT_UNIT.
3.In RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM, select whether or not to useRuleQualifiers (Y/N). If “Y”, then qualifiers are taken from RT_DQM_RULE; else taken from RT_HOLDING_TIME.
4.Input the numeric value for the multiplier to be used to qualify the data for grossly exceeded holding times in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.
5.Input the qualifiers to be used for detects and non-detects for exceeded holding times and grossly exceeded holding times in RT_DQM_RULE.
Example Data Excerpts from Project QAPP:
Analytical Methods, Container, Preservation, and Holding Time
Sample Matrix |
Analyte(s)/ Parameters/ Method |
Total # Samples |
Sample Volume |
Type Container |
Sample Preservation |
Maximum Allowable Holding Time |
Surface Water |
Metals/SW-846 Method 6010B |
20 |
500 mL |
(1) Polyethylene bottle |
HNO3 to |
180 Days |
Surface Water |
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)/ |
20 |
1 L |
(1) Polyethylene bottle |
Cool to ≤⁰6C |
7 Days |
Surface Water |
Volatiles/SW-846 Method 8260C |
20 |
120 mL |
(3) 40 mL glass vials |
Cool to ≤⁰6C, HCl to pH<2 with no headspace |
14 Days |
Surface Water |
Semivolatiles/ |
20 |
500 mL |
(2) 250 mL glass (amber) |
Cool to ≤⁰6C |
7 Days/40 Days |
Surface Water |
pH/SW-846 Method 9040B |
20 |
250 mL |
(1) Polyethylene bottle |
Cool to ≤⁰6C |
Analyze Immediately |
Solid Waste |
TCLP Semivolatiles/ SW846 1311/8270C |
10 |
16 oz |
(1)glass |
Cool to ≤⁰6C |
14 Days/7 Days/40 Days |
CHECK: Blank Contamination
Purpose: DQM assesses if any target analytes are detected in an associated blank.
Key Information Needed: Frequency of and types of blanks collected in the field, target analyte list, analytical method, and matrix.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select all that applies if the project requires the evaluation of laboratory blanks, field blanks, and/or trip blanks. If all three checks are required, then select the generic “blank contamination” and all three blank contamination checks will be performed by DQM.
2.Select whether the blank sample is to be qualified (True/False) for FLAG_BLANK in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. Make this selection for laboratory blanks, field blanks, and/or trip blanks based upon which checks have been selected to be run.
3.Input multiplier to be utilized for the qualification of samples in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. Make this selection for laboratory blanks, field blanks, and/or trip blanks based upon which checks have been selected to be run.
4.Input the common laboratory contaminant multiplier and input which analytes the multiplier should apply to in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. Make this selection for laboratory blanks, field blanks, and/or trip blanks based upon which checks have been selected to be run.
5.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are detected at a similar level in an associated blank in RT_DQM_RULE.
Example Data Excerpt from Project QAPP: See example Matrix Specific QAPP Worksheets.
CHECK: Surrogate Recoveries
Purpose: DQM assesses if any of the surrogate compound recoveries are outside specified limits.
Key Information Needed: A listing of surrogate compounds per method / matrix and their respective recovery limits.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the evaluation of surrogate compound recoveries.
2.If DQM is to perform the surrogate recovery assessment utilizing project-required upper and lower control limits (and not those reported by the laboratory), then input the upper and lower control limits for each surrogate compound per analytical method and matrix in RT_DQM_CHECK_CONTROL_LIMITS.
3.Input the lower cutoff for the surrogate recovery in RT_DQM_CHECK_ CONTROL_LIMITS.
5.Select (Y) and input the ANALYTIC_METHOD in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM if there is an analytical method containing more than one surrogate and it is desired for two surrogates to exceed control limits prior to qualification of data to occur.
6.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are outside of control limits for detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
Example Data Excerpt from Project QAPP:
Analytical Methods and Surrogate Recovery Goals
Field Matrix |
Method |
Surrogate Compound |
Recovery Limits |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260C |
4-Bromofluorobenzene |
68-124 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260C |
Dibromofluoromethane |
72-126 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260C |
Toluene-d8 |
79-119 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
2,4,6-Tribromophenol |
25-145 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
2-Flourobiphenyl |
34-117 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
2-Fluorophenol |
10-118 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
Nitrobenzene-d5 |
33-120 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
8270DPhenol-d6 |
15-134 % |
Surface Water |
SW-846 8260D |
Terphenyl-d14 |
24-133 % |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
2,4,6-Tribromophenol |
25-145 % |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
2-Flourobiphenyl |
34-117 % |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
2-Fluorophenol |
10-118% |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
Nitrobenzene-d5 |
33-120 % |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
Phenol-d6 |
15-134 % |
Solid Waste |
SW-846 1311/8270D |
Terphenyl-d14 |
24-133 % |
CHECK: Spike Recoveries
Purpose: DQM assesses if any of the spike compound recoveries are outside specified limits in field-collected and laboratory-generated spike samples.
Key Information Needed: A listing of spike compounds per method / matrix and their respective recovery limits.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the evaluation of spike compound recoveries.
2.If DQM is to perform the spike recovery assessment utilizing project-required upper and lower control limits (and not those reported by the laboratory), then input the upper and lower control limits for each spike compound per analytical method and matrix as well as spike sample type in RT_DQM_CHECK_CONTROL_LIMITS. If using the same upper and lower control limits for all spike compounds for a given analytical method and matrix, then this information is not needed for each compound.
3.Input the lower cutoff for the spike recovery in RT_DQM_CHECK_CONTROL_LIMITS.
4.Input the RESULT_TYPE_CODE_SPIKE (SC), SAMPLE_TYPE_BLANK_SPIKE (BS, BD), and SAMPLE_TYPE_MATRIX_SPIKE (FS, MS, MSD, SD) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The defaults are listed in parentheses for each of these PARAM_CODES.
5.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are outside of control limits for detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
6.The default multiplier for the evaluation of spike recoveries is 4. That is, if the sample concentration is greater than 4 times the spike added, then the spike recovery assessment is not performed. The default multiplier can be changed in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.
Example Data Excerpt from Project QAPP: See example Matrix Specific QAPP Worksheets.
CHECK: Laboratory Duplicate Precision
Purpose: DQM assesses the precision between laboratory duplicate pairs, matrix spike / matrix spike duplicate pairs, and blank spike / blank spike duplicate pairs, as applicable.
Key Information Needed: A listing of spike compounds per method / matrix and their respective relative percent difference (RPD) control limits between the recoveries for matrix spike / matrix spike duplicate pairs, and blank spike / blank spike duplicates pairs and/or the RPD control limits between recoveries for laboratory duplicates.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the evaluation of laboratory duplicate precision.
2.If DQM is to perform the spike recovery assessment utilizing project-required RPD control limits (and not those reported by the laboratory), then input the RPD control limits for each spike compound per analytical method and matrix as well as spike sample type and/or the RPD control limits for the laboratory duplicate samples in RT_DQM_CHECK_CONTROL_LIMITS.
3.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are outside of control limits for detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
4.Input the SAMPLE_TYPE_LCSD (BD), and SAMPLE_TYPE_MSD (MSD, SD), and SAMPLE_TYPE_ORIG_DUP (LR) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default is listed in parentheses for each of these PARAM_CODES.
5.Input the SAMPLE_RESULT_TYPE_1 (SC), SAMPLE_RESULT_TYPE_2 (SC) and SAMPLE_RESULT_TYPE_3 (TRG) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default is listed in parentheses for these PARAM_CODES.
6.Input the multiplier to be utilized for the RPD criterion to be assessed in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is 5.
7.To use a multiplier other than 2 for the evaluation of solid samples when the RPD criterion are not evaluated, input the multiplierSoil in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is 2.
8.Input the MEDIUM_CODE_SOIL in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is “soil”.
Example Data Excerpt from Project QAPP: See example Matrix Specific QAPP Worksheets.
CHECK: Field Duplicate Precision
Purpose: DQM assesses the precision between field replicates and/or field duplicates.
Key Information Needed: A listing of methods for each matrix and their respective relative percent difference (RPD) control limits; the frequency of collection of field duplicates.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the evaluation of laboratory duplicate precision.
2.Input the project RPD control limits per analytical method and matrix in RT_DQM_CHECK_CONTROL_LIMITS.
3.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are outside of control limits for detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
4.Input the SAMPLE_TYPE_FIELD_DUP (FD) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default is listed in parentheses for this PARAM_CODE.
5.Input the RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_OTHER (25), RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_SOIL (35) and RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_WATER (20) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default is listed in parentheses for each of these PARAM_CODES.
6.Input the multiplier to be utilized for the RPD criterion to be assessed in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.
The default value is 5.
7.To use a multiplier other than 2 for the evaluation of solid samples when the RPD criterion are not evaluated, input the multiplierSoil in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default value is 2.
8.Input the MEDIUM_CODE_SOIL and MEDIUM_CODE_WATER in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The defaults are “soil” and “water”, respectively.
Example Data Excerpt from Project QAPP: See example Matrix Specific QAPP Worksheets.
CHECK: Precision between Field Results and Laboratory Results
Purpose: DQM assesses the precision between an analytical result obtained from a field measurement and an analytical result obtained from a laboratory analysis.
Key Information Needed: A listing of analytes and methods for each matrix for which results are obtained from both the field and the laboratory, and their associated RPD control limits.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the evaluation of laboratory duplicate precision.
2.Input the qualifiers to be utilized for qualifying data that are outside of control limits for detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
3.Input the CAS_RN for the field parameter in the column PARAM_VALUE and for the laboratory parameter in the column CAS_RN in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM.
4.Input the RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_OTHER (25), RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_SOIL (35) and RPD_CONTROL_LIMIT_WATER (20) in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The default is listed in parentheses for each of these PARAM_CODES.
5.Input the MEDIUM_CODE_SOIL and MEDIUM_CODE_WATER in RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM. The defaults are “soil” and “water”, respectively.
CHECK: Results < Reporting Limit
Purpose: DQM checks for reported detected results that are less than the reporting limit.
Key Information Needed: An understanding of how non-detected data are reported.
Selection/Input Options:
1.Select if the project requires the check for results < reporting limit.
2.Input the qualifiers to be used for both organic and inorganic detects and non-detects in RT_DQM_RULE.
Table 1. QAPP Worksheet for Analysis at Laboratory: Aqueous Samples
Analyte |
Prep / Analytical Method |
LCS Accuracy (Percent Recovery) |
MS/MSD Accuracy (Percent Recovery) |
LCS/LSCD Precision (RPD) |
MS/MSD Precision (RPD) |
Laboratory Duplicate Precision (RPD) |
Field Duplicate Precision ** |
TCL Volatiles |
SW-846 Method 8260C |
80-120 |
70-130 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
RPD<20% difference< the RL |
TCL Semi-volatiles |
SW-846 Methods 3510C / 8270D |
50-130 |
50-130 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
RPD<20% difference< the RL |
TAL Metals |
SW-846 Method 3010A / 6010B |
80-120 |
75-125 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
RPD<20% difference< the RL |
SM 2540 D |
80-120 |
75-125 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
RPD<20% difference< the RL |
pH |
SW-846 Method 9040B |
80-120 |
75-125 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
± 0.1 pH units |
Field pH to lab pH |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
± 0.1 pH units |
**When both field duplicate results are >5 times the RL, the RPD must be <20%. When at least one result is <5 times the RL, the difference must be < RL.
Table 2. QAPP Worksheet for Analysis at Laboratory: Soil Samples
Analyte |
Prep / Analytical Method |
LCS Accuracy (Percent Recovery) |
MS/MSD Accuracy (Percent Recovery) |
LCS/LSCD Precision (RPD) |
MS/MSD Precision (RPD) |
Laboratory Duplicate Precision (RPD) |
Field Duplicate Precision |
1,4-dichloro benzene |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
45-110 |
35-110 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
2,4,5-trichloro phenol |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
44-110 |
34-144 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
2,4,6-trichloro phenol |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
43-110 |
33-140 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
2,4-dinitro toluene |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
49-124 |
33-128 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
2-Methyl phenol |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
46-110 |
10-126 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
3 & 4-Methyl phenol |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
45-117 |
38-128 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
34-110 |
27-110 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Hexachlor benzene |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
52-115 |
40-111 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Hexachloro ethane |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
43-113 |
35-110 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Nitro |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
41-112 |
29-118 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Pentachloro phenol |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
38-135 |
24-168 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Pyridine |
SW-846 Method 1311/3510C/ |
24-118 |
40-112 |
20 |
20 |
NA |
NA |
Table 3. QAPP Worksheet for QA/QC Frequency, Acceptance Limits, and Corrective Action
QC Sample |
Frequency/Number |
QC Acceptance Limits |
Corrective Action |
Field |
Field |
1 per 10 samples per matrix per day |
See Tables 1 and 2 |
Qualify associated |
Equipment |
Not required if using dedicated equipment. If performing equipment decon, collect 1 EB per |
EB < RL |
Qualify associated |
Analysis |
Method Blank (MB) |
1 per extraction/digestion or analytical batch - not to exceed 20 field samples |
concentration >1/2 RL; |
Re-prep and re-analyze blank and all associated samples unless all detected results > 10 times MB level |
Laboratory Sample |
1 per < 20 field samples |
See Tables 1 and 2 |
Qualify data |
Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) |
1 per extraction/digestion or analytical batch - not to exceed 20 field samples |
Must contain all target analytes and be matrix-specific; |
Re-prep and |
Matrix Spike (MS) |
1 per < 20 field samples or 1 per day, where applicable |
Must be performed on a site field sample; |
Qualify Data |
Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) for organic analyses |
1 per < 20 field samples
Must be performed on a site field sample; |
Qualify Data |